This LoL champion is getting picked at Worlds 2023 despite it’s poor win rate

Each year, the League of Legends World Championship is a stage where pro players craft their own unique champion picks and commit to them throughout the tournament, regardless of how they may be faring.

High pick rate, but low win rate champion: Kai’Sa

Image via Riot Games

In the 2023 World Championship, Kai’Sa has emerged as a popular pick, boasting a staggering 70% presence rate, yet she has struggled with a disheartening 32% win rate, according to League statistic The champion even holds the record for most kill so far at Worlds 2023 in one game. She shares this less fortunate standing with champions like Taliyah and K’Sante, but despite these statistics, the pro players aren’t ready to give up on her just yet.

Kai’Sa remains a resilient pick for several reasons. She brings utility to the table, including stealth, high mobility, a shield, poking abilities, and impressive damage output. So, why is she encountering challenges in finding success in the tournament?

One factor contributing to Kai’Sa’s struggle at Worlds this year is the dominance of Xayah, another popular pick. Xayah boasts a stronger laning phase, superior wave-clearing capabilities, similar damage potential, and the ability to evade any unwanted skills with her ultimate.

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However, the prevalence of Xayah is not the sole reason behind Kai’Sa’s subpar performance. It’s important to consider that her low win rate may also be the result of weaker teams hoping to secure a win by picking her.

Despite her current win rate, it’s likely that Kai’Sa will continue to be a common sight throughout the entirety of Worlds 2023. Her unique set of abilities makes her one of the few champions capable of standing up to Xayah, and in the hands of a skilled player, she can take over a game.

Image via Riot Games

The Swiss stage, which allows teams more opportunities to adapt and improve, might also see a shift in Kai’Sa’s fortune as the tournament progresses. So, while she may be facing challenges at present, her prospects could very well change for the better as the competition unfolds.