LoL devs respond to Vanguard falsely banning a major wave of players

Vanguard made LoL players disconnect from matches

Over the past day, League of Legends players have been experiencing problems with multiple games due to errors and issues with the company’s anti-cheat system, Vanguard.

League of Legends’ Vanguard anti-cheat was designed to eliminate scripters and botters from the game. However, due to some networking issues, many players were wrongly banned during their matches.

As a result of this problem, almost everyone in some matches was immediately disconnected. Moreover, some of the players affected by this issue have not had their bans lifted. Not only were they dropped from their matches, but they also lost their accounts.

This situation doesn’t apply to everyone, but even those who weren’t banned received a loss and an LP penalty. The ranked system severely punishes players who leave matches. As a result, those affected by this issue will face consequences for several matches and lose significantly more LP from just one loss.

Players who leave games experience greatly reduced LP gains for several matches after the initial loss. This penalty is applied regardless of whether they were reported by other players or not. This means that the burden falls on them either way, impacting their progress and ranking in the game.

The developers have responded, explaining that the bans were mistakenly handed out due to a “backend networking issue.” While they confirmed that the harshest penalties would be removed, they did not provide any information on whether players who lost LP or received LP penalties from losing a match would get any compensation.

“We’re investigating an occurence where players received errors and Vanguard error messaging due to a backend networking issue. Keep an eye in-client for updates. Any bans or restrictions that were served due to this error will be lifted ASAP.”

Image via Riot Games

These LP losses could have led to players being demoted and significantly set back in their personal progress. Therefore, it makes sense that players are upset about this situation. Additionally, no details were provided about how this problem occurred, other than the announcement from the development team.

League players have been skeptical of Vanguard ever since it was introduced, with many claiming that the game no longer works on their PCs because of it.