League of Legends: ADC aren’t getting buffed, devs explained why

Matt Leung-Harrison, lead gameplay designer in League of Legends, shared an early look at what’s coming in the 14.6 patch notes. He explained why there won’t be immediate buffs for ADC champions.

ADC not getting buffed in League of Legends

Image via Riot Games

League of Legends has been undergoing a lot of adjustments lately, especially since the start of the season. The developers are using this time to make big changes to the game, which will affect how it plays for the rest of the year.

Many players have been expressing concerns about the balance of ADC champions, especially in the bottom lane. They feel that ADCs are struggling against other types of champions like bruisers, assassins, and mages.

Image via Riot Games

In a recent update, a developer from Riot Games mentioned that they’re not planning to make significant changes to ADCs right now. Instead, they’re focusing on making supports stronger.

Leung-Harrison explained that they’re trying to make sure that supports remain powerful, which prevents them from boosting ADCs too much and shifting the game back to a heavy emphasis on the bottom lane.

He also mentioned that they’re making adjustments to critical strike items to make them more competitive compared to other types of items like on-hit and lethality.

The balance team is also looking into tweaking support-related aspects, such as gold income and certain starting items like Doran’s items. They’ve been spending time addressing the strength of support items, both in terms of gold generation and damage output.

However, not everyone is happy with this approach. Some players on platforms like Reddit are expressing frustration, feeling that they should have more agency in the game, especially if they’re doing well in a match.

Image via Riot Games

As for the future of ADC players in League of Legends, it’s unclear what changes Riot may make. They could either make significant adjustments or continue refining other parts of the game as the season progresses.