LoL Jungle tier list for Patch 13.24b

Playing Jungle in League of Legends offers various advantages, especially in terms of resource allocation. The experience points and gold gained from jungling contribute to strengthening your team’s top and mid-lane champions, ultimately leading to victory.

It is crucial to identify the best-suited champions for jungling, and the Tier List for Patch 13.24b categorizes champions from exceptionally powerful to ban-worthy.

Patch 13.24b Jungler Tier List

Rammus (S+)

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In Patch 13.24b, Rammus stands out as the top jungler. His Powerball ability allows him to quickly navigate jungle camps, securing gold and XP efficiently. Rammus excels in early-game ganking with a deadly combo of flash taunt, providing easy kills for teammates. With a win rate of 51.74%, Rammus’s Flash+Soaring Slam Slam combo, coupled with Powerball, enables him to knock up and deal significant damage to enemy champions.

Ivern (S)

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Ivern is a strong support jungler, particularly suitable for beginners. His ability to summon Daisy at level 6 enhances his ganking potential, slowing and damaging enemies for easy kills. Ivern’s Triggerseed creates a shield that explodes to slow down and damage nearby enemies, and Rootcaller summons a vine that roots and damages enemies while allowing allies to dash to the target. With a 52.63% win rate, Ivern is a valuable and user-friendly addition to any team.

Rek’Sai (A)

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Rek’sai, with a 51.80% win rate, is an intriguing and enjoyable choice for first-time jungle players. Her Queen’s Wraith skill allows her to burrow, gaining move speed and revealing hidden enemy locations. This skill also enhances her next three attacks with bonus physical damage, especially effective when combined with auto attacks.

Gwen (B)

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Gwen, with a 50.24% win rate, excels in the jungle due to her high damage, increased movement speed, and temporary invisibility. Her Snip Snip skill deals massive magical damage with up to six scissor snips, while Hallowed Mist provides her with untargetability and Skin ‘n Slash allows her to dash and gain attack speed, magic damage, and range on hitting enemies.

Diana (C)

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Diana, although a powerful jungler, requires a specific build to be effective, as indicated by her 48.99% win rate. Her fast jungle clear is attributed to her passive, Moonsilver Blade, which deals additional magic damage and boosts her attack speed. Her AoE combo, Crescent Strike+Lunar Rush+Pale Cascade, deals significant damage and can turn the tide in a teamfight when executed properly.

Jarvan IV (D)

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Jarvan IV, despite being mobile, does not consistently live up to his potential in the jungle nowadays. With a 49.17% win rate, his skill kit is suitable for jungling but may pose challenges for some players. While his Martial Cadence deals moderate damage, its high cooldown leaves him vulnerable to enemies.