LoL Patch 13.17 revealed huge changes to 4 jungler champions and the jungle meta

Riot Games is getting ready for some significant meta adjustments for the 2023 League of Legends World with patch 13.17, even though the tournament is still a few months away.

Kindred, Evelynn, Kayn, and Kha’Zix are just a few of the junglers in the current cycle of playable champions that have undergone major adjustments on the League PBE. The developers also decided to balance some of the jungle mechanics upgrades and release the significant modifications to the PBE.

League of Legends patch 13.17 jungle changes

Image via Riot Games

According to Spideraxe’s Twitter, the jungle changes in patch 13.17 will be as follows:





Jungle changes

Image via Riot Games

The slow and health ratio damage from Kindred’s Mounting Dread could be reduced by 20%. Evelynn’s empowered Whiplash has had all of its levels decreased, and the AP ratio of her ultimate ability has also been reduced by 15%. Her Allure slow has been nerfed by 35%.

Blade’s Reach, Kayn’s W ability, also has its bonus AD ratio decreased by 30%, while Kha’Zix Q’s bonus AD ratio has been decreased by 10%.

Image via Riot Games

A 15% decrease to epic monster damage reduction while near teammates is also one of the general jungling mechanics modifications. As a result, this can lead to a rise in the meta of tankier alternatives, especially for teams who want to concentrate on objectives.

Last but not least, modifications are being made to the Gustwalker and Mosstomper jungle pets, with the former receiving a 1-percent movement speed boost decrease and a 15% movement speed decrease for monster takedown. The latter will have its shield weakened in the late game and have its slow resist and tenacity reduced by 10%.

Image via Riot Games

According to League of Legends patch schedule, patch 13.17 is set to be released on the live servers on August 30.