LoL Patch 13.22 notes: ‘Overbuffed’ 23 Mages, Janna ‘mini-rework’, and More

Patch 13.22 for League of Legends is gearing up to be quite an interesting update, with a noticeable focus on nerfs and adjustments. This trend of more nerfs than buffs continues to shape the direction of the game, signaling Riot Games’ dedication to maintaining a balanced and enjoyable experience for players.

What’s particularly intriguing about this upcoming patch 13.22 is the substantial attention being given to mage champions. Their base attacks are set to receive significant buffs, a move that might temporarily skew the metagame balance. However, this decision is part of Riot Games’ broader strategy to better understand the boundaries of power within the game.

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In addition to these mage changes, there are a slew of nerfs and significant adjustments coming in Patch 13.22. One noteworthy aspect of this patch is the absence of item changes. This hints at Riot’s focus on the preseason, suggesting that they might be working on revamping or fine-tuning items.

In summary, Patch 13.22 promises to be a patch of great significance, with mage champions receiving significant base attack buffs, a plethora of nerfs and adjustments, and a notable absence of item changes, indicating Riot Games’ commitment to shaping the future of League of Legends.

League of Legends patch 13.22 notes

Champion Buffs

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Dr. Mundo

Mage Basic Attacks: Attack Speed

Mage Basic Attacks: Missile Speed

Mage Basic Attacks: Timing


Champion Nerfs

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Tahm Kench


Champion Adjustments

Image via Riot Games





LoL patch 13.22 is set to arrive on the live server on November 8, 2023.