LoL player got an S+ on every champion, and these are the hardest ones to achieve

AzukAnon, a player who recently completed the challenging Perfectionist task in League of Legends, shared their experiences on Reddit. They’re among a rare few in North America who have achieved this feat, which demands obtaining an S+ rating with every champion in the game.

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A League of Legends player achieves S+ across all champions

During his journey, AzukAnon found that mastering ADCs was particularly tough. These champions, such as Ashe, faced relentless targeting in teamfights. Achieving an S+ rating often requires minimal deaths, but as an ADC, staying alive can be a significant challenge due to being a prime focus for enemy attacks.

Aside from ADCs, AzukAnon struggled with others like Alistar, Milio, Azir, and Yuumi. Alistar, known for his supportive role, posed difficulties as AzukAnon sometimes found themselves unable to make a significant impact, especially when their team was evenly matched.

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Ashe, another champion, proved challenging due to facing tough opponents like Zed or Vi who continuously roamed to gank. Despite Ashe’s straightforward mechanics, dealing with aggressive enemy made achieving an S+ rating more time-consuming.

Milio, similar to Alistar, relies heavily on teamwork for success. This made it challenging for AzukAnon to accumulate enough kills, vision, or gold to secure an S+ rating. However, it was Yuumi that proved to be the most formidable obstacle.

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Despite having prior experience with Yuumi, AzukAnon struggled to understand the criteria for earning points with this champion. Even unconventional strategies like taking Yuumi to jungle or top lane yielded disappointing results, with the system consistently awarding a lower rank than expected.

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Despite these challenges, AzukAnon ultimately conquered Yuumi and went on to complete the remaining more easily. He concluded the post by announcing his next goal: achieving Mastery 7 with all champions, expressing a hope that Riot Games would address the difficulties with Yuumi in the future.