LoL players called for 3-split ranked system changes, and Riot’s already working on it

Riot Games to change the ranked system again

Throughout the year, LoL players have had to adjust to the ongoing grind brought about by changes to the ranked system introduced by Riot Games. While the new system encourages players to return to the game and keeps them engaged, some have voiced concerns that have quickly caught the attention of the developers.

On the League of Legends subreddit, many players shared their frustrations with the 3-split format, particularly highlighting the challenges it presents for those who have busy lives outside of gaming.

Players explained that the short duration of each split doesn’t leave enough time to achieve their personal goals in ranked play. Balancing work, hobbies, and personal relationships can make it difficult for some to dedicate the necessary time to climb the ranked ladder effectively, making the frequent resets even more frustrating.

One user on the subreddit expressed how the frequent resets impacted their overall enjoyment of the game.

Image via Riot Games

1 season per year, actually good skin as a reward for your rank placement.”

“3 splits per year, here is your low effort Sona skin, that could be just a chroma for the base skin. See you 4 months later to claim another trash tier skin.”

“Four months feels way too short to make meaningful ranked progress, especially since you get reset an entire tier with each new split,”

Fortunately, Riot Games has already taken notice of the concerns raised by the community. Jordan “BarackProbama” Checkman, Riot’s senior design lead, responded to the discussion, confirming that the team is actively considering changes to the current ranked reset structure.

Image via Riot Games

He reassured players that they are “discussing changes” and that these potential updates are in the works, which is promising news for those frustrated by the current system.

While changes and updates are a regular part of League of Legends, constant adjustments to the ranked system can lead to burnout among the player base. Many players feel that the 3-split structure is not ideal and that the frequent resets can be discouraging.

Image via Riot Games

One possible solution that has been suggested by the community is to reduce the number of resets per year. This compromise would still provide players with incentives to play ranked throughout the year but wouldn’t overwhelm them with too many resets.

For now, players will need to stay patient and keep an eye out for future updates. Riot Games is expected to share more information about their plans for ranked play in 2025 and beyond once they finalize their decisions.