LoL players found out ways to get all skins unlocked for a low price

League of Legends has long been celebrated for its expansive line of skins. Since its inception in 2013, Riot Games has consistently pushed the boundaries of cosmetic offerings, presenting players with options ranging from basic to legendary animations and effects that redefine champions’ appearances and abilities.

Due to the extensive range of skins, numerous players are satisfied with owning only a handful for their preferred champions. However, a recent Reddit post has provided League of Legends players with a cost-effective roadmap to acquire every available skin.

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Roadmap to get every League of Legends skins for a cheap price

According to the Reddit post (which was recently got removed), koelol’s strategy outlines a meticulously planned roadmap for players to acquire every League skin for a modest sum, clocking in at under $2,300. This financial feat is achieved through a shrewd combination of regional pricing differentials and strategic currency manipulation.

This method involves the creation of accounts in regions where the currency exchange rates favor the player, such as the Philippines or Turkey. Here, players can purchase Riot Points bundles at significantly reduced prices compared to other regions.

Image via Riot Games

Armed with this advantageous currency, players can then unlock premium skins, while also leveraging skin shards—acquired through real currency purchases—to access more affordable options.

But the journey doesn’t end there. Koelol’s method delves into maximizing Mythic Essence obtained from events and capitalizing on opportune sale timings to extract the utmost value from every purchase.

Image via Riot Games

Upon achieving the desired collection, players can opt to transfer their account back to their primary region, a process that typically incurs a nominal fee, usually around $20.

As discussions ensue within the community, reactions range from awe at the ingenuity of the method to reflections on the inherent costs associated with pursuing one’s passions. However, amidst the excitement, a note of caution reverberates—the widespread exploitation of regional pricing disparities could potentially draw the ire of Riot Games, leading to tighter regulations.

Image via Riot Games

Intricately detailed instructions, including the nuances of shard disenchantment and navigating the labyrinthine landscape of more affordable cosmetics, are meticulously documented in a comprehensive Google Doc.