LoL players are mocking Galio, devs step up to defend

In response to mounting player complaints regarding Galio’s perceived lack of identity, developers of League of Legends have come forward to defend the mid-lane champion.

Riot Phroxzon, the lead gameplay designer for League of Legends, addressed concerns raised by players on Reddit, acknowledging the dissatisfaction surrounding Galio’s current state in both solo queue and professional play.

Since undergoing rework iterations, Galio has undergone various build paths, with some players opting for heavy AP builds aimed at punishing enemy laners with powerful combos. However, such a playstyle diverges from Riot’s original intention for the champion, which was envisioned as a protector/defender with a more supportive role.

Despite the discontent among players, Phroxzon argues that Galio does indeed possess a distinct identity within the game. He asserts that the champion is designed to function as an enabler mid-laner, capable of mitigating magic damage while empowering teammates.

Image via Riot Games

“Galio is just weak right now. I don’t think he lacks identity, he has a pretty clear one, he is meant to be as close to being a ” defender/enabler from midlane” with an ability to shrug off some AP damage as is reasonably supportable by gameplay.”

Moreover, Phroxzon acknowledges that his current power level may be lower than desired, but contends that his identity remains intact.

“When you have galio on your team, you are meant to feel more supported/comfortable, because he could come save you/support you if you need it.”

Image via Riot Games

In response to inquiries about the prevalence of AP-focused builds, Phroxzon expressed reluctance to further reinforce the trend of burst-oriented AP champions in the game.

He emphasizes the need to preserve Galio’s thematic identity as a resilient protector, rather than conforming to the prevailing trend of high-damage mage champions.

With the champion receiving adjustments in the recent Patch 14.6, the developers are actively exploring ways to enhance his viability. However, the player community remains skeptical about the prospect of significant improvements for the character in the near future.