LoL players are demanding Riot to block any high-ping players

In LoL, where competitiveness reigns supreme, the issue of high ping among teammates has long been a point of contention.

Whether navigating through different servers or finding oneself paired with teammates grappling with high ping, frustration is a sentiment shared by many players.

Image via Riot Games

LoL players want Riot to bring back old feature to deal with high-ping players

The discourse surrounding this challenge recently resurfaced on the LoL subreddit, courtesy of a summoner airing their grievances on February 19. Venting about the impact of teammates plagued by ping issues, they struck a chord with fellow players who empathized with their plight.

In response to the original post, suggestions poured in regarding potential remedies that Riot Games could explore. Some LoL players demand the implementation of a ping indicator directly within the game’s client and role selection interface, positing that such a feature could preemptively spare players from entering lag-ridden matches.

Image via Riot Games

Interestingly, amid the discussion, nostalgia stirred among certain players as they reminisced about an erstwhile feature: the ping indicator. Fondly remembered as a tool to gauge connection quality, its removal in the past due to toxicity served as a reminder of the challenges faced in fostering a positive gaming environment.

“In the past you could see everyone’s ping during the loading screen. It was a legit (degenerate) strategy to just camp the enemy with the 200+ ping because you get easily tilted more when having a high ping,” 

Old loading screen with pings

While voices clamored for the revival of the ping indicator, an opposing narrative emerged, dismissing concerns over high ping as merely indicative of a lack of skill. Advocates of this perspective urged players to “git gud” and view high ping as a mere hurdle to overcome rather than an insurmountable obstacle.

As the community grapples with different viewpoints, the prospect of seeing connectivity-focused features resurface in the League client remains uncertain. While hopes linger for the reintroduction of the ping indicator or similar tools, the prevailing sentiment suggests cautious optimism tempered by the community.