LoL players praised Riot Games for removing this “unskilled” item

As the new LoL season unfolds, not every modification has been met with acclaim, but there is one particular item the community bids farewell: Stopwatch

The commencement of the latest LoL season has ushered in many changes, particularly in items, where mages find themselves at the center of the changes. Amidst the new items introduced, it seems only fitting that one of the most contentious ones takes its exit.

Stopwatch made its debut in LoL during the 2017 preseason, endowing players with access to Zhonya’s Hourglass active ability at a fraction of the usual cost. While it offered a one-time use and lacked stat boosts, its efficient build path swiftly propelled it into a staple for many players.

Compounding the issue was the ability for players to acquire a free stopwatch through the Inspiration rune tree, further contributing to the accessibility of the final item.

This combination had a profound impact, particularly in pro play, where Stopwatch became a substantial deterrent for aggressive engages. The defensive utility provided early in the game led to a decreased willingness among pro players to execute bold action such as diving, as the risks were too formidable.

The removal of Stopwatch from League of Legends has sparked a sentiment that both the overall experience and the professional scene have become markedly healthier and more exhilarating.

“Nothing more depressing than watching a team looking for a comeback play but it’s 0 stopwatches vs 5 on the enemy team”

“It is still in the game, with seeker’s armguard, but it is more intentional now, compared to before where anyone can go perfect timing and get a free stopwatch.”

Image via Riot Games

While an early version of Zhonya’s is still available through the purchase of the new Seeker’s Armguard, players now face a significantly higher cost and a less versatile build path. Notably, ADCs can no longer casually sit on the item to facilitate the acquisition of a Guardian Angel.

As the dust settles on the departure of Stopwatch, the LoL community eagerly anticipates how this change will influence gameplay dynamics, strategy, and the overall enjoyment of players.