LoL players requested this ‘essential’ skin feature that’s been lacking for years

League of Legends players have expressed a strong desire for a significant quality-of-life improvement regarding skins, a feature that has been noticeably absent from the game for many years.

Players are frustrated with Riot Games for not implementing a straightforward skin preview system, which would enable potential buyers to make informed decisions about their purchases.

Image via Riot Games

The recent release of the Dark Erasure Jhin cosmetic has reignited this discussion, with the LoL community advocating for improvements in various aspects of skins and their associated features.

LoL players demand an in-game skin preview

The absence of an in-game preview feature was a topic of conversation on a Reddit thread on September 23.

The original poster expressed confusion as to why Riot hasn’t already introduced such a simple addition to the in-game shop. This issue is particularly significant for champions with complex mechanics, as alterations in VFX or SFX can significantly impact the feel of playing a champion.

Other users also weighed in on the matter. While the original poster was genuinely puzzled by Riot’s stance, some speculated on why the feature hasn’t been implemented.

Image via Riot Games

“Because most skins are ugly if you look at them up close. That’s why. And in that case, less people would buy.”

“I presume the reason is that they don’t want you to think about it, they want you to impulse buy skins.”

One user suggested that cosmetics might not look as good up close, and previews could potentially reduce sales. Another theory proposed that Riot is emphasizing elements like splash art and backstory to entice impulse purchases of these cosmetics.

Image via Riot Games

Whether Riot decides to implement this feature ultimately rests with them, but given the immense popularity of skins and their universe in League of Legends, there is certainly potential for such an addition to be considered in the future.