LoL players have dubbed Voidgrubs with hilarious name and it’s actually trending

In League of Legends Season 14, Riot Games has introduced a plethora of updates and innovations that have left players buzzing with excitement. Among these changes are the alterations to the game’s terrain and map system, which have ushered in a new era of strategic depth and tactical engagement.

Central to the Season 14 meta are the newly introduced neutral monsters known as Voidgrubs, which have taken up residence in the formidable Baron pit. These creatures, whose emergence occurs 5 minutes into the game, present players with a fresh objective to conquer, promising unique buffs and advantages.

Image via Riot Games

However, what truly captures the imagination of the League community is not merely the addition of these enigmatic creatures, but rather the whimsical nickname they have acquired among Spanish-speaking players: “Kevins.”

VoidGrubs, or ‘Kevin’

This delightful alternative moniker has quickly gained traction, permeating through the community’s lexicon and earning nods of approval from prominent content creators and even official Riot channels, such as the Spanish League of Legends X account.

Despite the lighthearted nature of the name “Kevin” for the Voidgrubs, its origins remain shrouded in mystery, with theories ranging from the creatures’ purported resemblance to someone named Kevin to its sheer comedic appeal.

“It’s a funny name and supposedly their face looks like a person that would be called Kevin,”

Yet, amidst the laughter and camaraderie that accompany its usage, one cannot deny the practicality of employing such a concise and memorable term.

As players across the Summoner’s Rift continue to embrace the endearing persona of “Kevin” for the Voidgrubs, speculation abounds regarding its longevity and enduring legacy within the League community.

Image via Riot Games

Will it stand the test of time as a beloved inside joke among players, or will it gradually fade into obscurity, relegated to the annals of League lore? Only time will tell the fate of “Kevin” and its endearing association with the enigmatic Voidgrubs.