LoL Players think Yuumi Rework was a total Failure, and here’s why it is

Perhaps another rework should fix the trick for Yuumi, the Magical Cat

Yuumi is probably one of many nightmares for the balancing team to work with as her untargetable kit is impossible to make it right.

She was nerfed into wasted to remove her from professional play almost 4 years after her original release, with the promise of a rework coming shortly. The rework has been implemented, and players have not been pleased with it. Her general effect is essentially the same, despite the slight differences in how she heals and protects her allies.

It’s fairly challenging to find people who are enthusiastic about the path they’ve taken with her because players are labeling her rework as a failure.

League of Legends: Yuumi Rework is a failure

Image via Riot Games

Although Yuumi’s complete update may have appeared to be extensive, the modifications are actually quite straightforward. The main adjustment was her passive.

By engaging in teamfights and using her skills, Yuumi is given the opportunity to heal her friends. The adjustment hasn’t altered much even though it was made to give her less endurance outside of them.

Her passive is actually one of the things that players hate the most. Her previous kit was criticized for encouraging her to remain attached to a single target, but her new passive explicitly awards her for doing so.

Riot stated in their developer blog that they intended to accomplish the following with her update. Treatz, a veteran pro support player, claimed that Riot fell short of each and every one of these objectives.

Based on her power level as a champion, she’ll be powerful in professional play, and her kit rewards remaining inside one target even more thanks to her Best Friend passive ability. And now that she has her ultimate AoE effect more impactful, healing allies by her side is at ease.

Image via Riot Games

According to OP.GG, her ban rate in Plat+ is currently over 33%, and it wouldn’t be a wonder to see that rate increase as players get used to playing her once more. It’s difficult to help but question if the fantasy envisioned for Yuumi is one that’s worthwhile achieving given that she’s hanging onto her untargetable mechanic and being just as troublesome as before.