LoL: New Rakan, Lillia updates change them to new Champion Class

Riot has just released significant modifications for Rakan and Lillia

With Preseason 2023 rapidly approaching, Riot is implementing some last-minute modifications, including improvements to the Rakan and Lillia ranges.

Image via Riot Games

Both of these champions are considered ranged champions ever since their initial release. Despite being ranged champions, they had ranges of just 300 and 325 yards, respectively, making them two of the game’s lowest-range ranged champions.

Furthermore, their playstyle is primarily melee, making their champion condition unfavorable in terms of items and runes. So, Riot Games is considering some quality-of-life changes for both of them ahead of the preseason.

Rakan & Lillia are now classified as melee champions



Riot August, League of Legends’ main champion designer, just revealed the modifications on his Twitter page.

These adjustments appear little at first look, yet they are highly substantial. As being ranged champions previously, items and runes were less favorable for them.

Image via Riot Games

With the Relic Shield support item, Rakan will be able to execute minions below 50% instead of 30%, which is a good chance for building tanky support items rather than AP/utility items.

Image via Riot Games

The adjustments have more impact on Lillia. She may now obtain two Conqueror stacks every auto attack and heal more from the rune, making Conquer the perfect rune for her. Furthermore, Demonic Embrace, one of the champion’s few essential items, now deals more damage.

The range modifications are presently being tested on the PBE servers. It will be available on League of Legends live servers with patch 12.22, which will be released on November 16.