Welcome to League of Legends, home to one of the planet’s most friendly gaming communities. Here, people communicate very enthusiastically, sometimes too enthusiastically to forget the mission and the purpose to participate in the game and also from here, a lot of blame words like singing.
For me, it was an ADC telling me that he died because I didn’t use my ranged auto attacks while I played Pyke. It was in Gold Elo.
When people in your ranked games flame you for your elo…..even though they are there with you…..
- I always hate that. “Stay in Plat” meanwhile I’m plat 1 400 games and he is plat 2 with 800 games.
- That’s because they’re in elo hell!! Sure they’re in my Gold 1 lobby with 600 games. But if they didn’t have garbage teammates that threw every game, they would easily be diamond
- “This is my smurf. I’m actually a challenger player” yeah sure bud
- My favourite is when they’re smurfing in your Elo from like masters and they flame you for being bad. Like what do you expect? A Diamond 3 player isn’t going to play like a masters player or else I would be in masters. Fucking tard.
- Ahem, I will inform you that it was just yesterday that I was playing on my regular account (Bronze IV, 450 games on Vayne with TP because that’s what the pros do, 46% win rate) when I had one of these games. I was stomping my lane really hard (8/7/3 after 8 minutes!) and everything looked good, but then this retard jungler just ran it down so hard, there was literally nothing I could do. I looked up his OP.GG afterwards, and surprise surprise: He was Iron II. Typical Rito matchmaking. Obviously, I told this idiot in post-game lobby that his heavy ass will be rotting in this lowlife elo forever. Know your place, trash.
I wasn’t the target but our Vayne flamed our Lissandra for not using her ult on her to save her.
- Oh come on
- I got the same thing once, when I played Mundo..Some people…
- Bro that literally happened to me! I was playing Liss and someone(idk if it was a vayne) got super mad at me for not ulting them to save them. They simply would not listen to me when I tried to tell them how impossible it was
- What’s it with Vayne players? Lol
- Oh yeah, there are weird ones like that too where some of my teammates literally dont know what some champs can do.
- He needs that KDA
- Classic
- I had a morg refuse to black shield jhin stun “because its ad”
- I had a Draven flame me for picking Pyke but I locked in Pyke first and he didn’t declare any adc….
- my janna sup flaming jgl “i can tell tryndamere didn’t do 9/11 because he has no clue how to destroy a fkn tower”
- Mids flame me on Ivern for not giving them blue buff (after level 5) and then ADCs flame me for not giving them red later in the game.This still happens 3 fucking years later.
- Me (Swain supp as only survivor of a Botlane 2v2) killing 6 enemy minions to push our 12 stacked minions into enemy tower, denying the enemy all of them and getting two tower plates. ADC got mad as fuck for me stealing his farm, while he was dead and they would have died anyway. Accused me of trolling him… By denying the enemy gold and XP and getting 400 gold for myself without costing my ADC anything?!
- I lagged out and wasn’t able to properly react to my jungler ganking, I said “my computer fucked up, not my fault”, the jungler responded with “it is because if you had a fucking job you could afford a better computer and internet”. I lost my job a few days earlier, so he actually struck a cord, I didn’t know how to respond.
- Swapped version of that – you’re an ADC and you back on a cannon wave… cannon is going to crash into your turret and then your supports aoe’s all the minions, misses all the gold AND causes the wave to push back into the duo they’ve died 4 times to lol
- When I’m job searching I don’t let myself play video games as a motivation to keep grinding on applications and studying and whatever else is necessary, but I definitely understand wanting to relax for a bit on a stressful time.
- On the other end of the spectrum: I played with an adc who kept disconnecting and reconnecting constantly to the point that there was no chance for us to win (its like a worse version of a 4v5 because every once in a while he takes some minions or jungle camps then dcs again before he can do anything helpful to team) . I said something like “come on bro why would you play ranked with that bad quality connection” and he swears it never happened before this game, his connection always works, etc. We eventually surrender, I queue back up and get a lobby right away…. guy is in my next game too with the exact same connection issues, having taken zero time to even try restarting a router.
- “A good Nasus would’ve carried this game” – My 0-5 Twitch in his 1-12-3 premade botlane while I am living hell against Teemo in blind pick.
- Top laner flamed me all game, in normals. I was jg, and he lost lane very early. I was new on my champ, and died later on trying to gank lane. He got pretty harsh, I just ignored it and kept playing. After the game, he apologized for getting so heated in the end screen. I said no worries. He sent me a friend request, which I accepted. He messaged me saying that he went way too far, and had just gotten heated but didn’t mean anything by what he had said. I was in the middle of typing something like “It happens, we all get heated sometimes” when he just goes “just kidding” and writes a detailed essay on why I shouldn’t play LoL ever again, and blocks me. That was a lot of effort.
What about you?