Champions in top lane that have the most annoying gameplay in League of Legends

Top annoying champions in top lane

In League of Legends, there are many top lane champions with straightforward ongoing interaction, surging at the rival and choosing to win or losing, or basically farming and sit tight for teamfights. On the other hand, there are additionally broad interactivity amazingly awkward, causing restraint adversaries with their abilities. Making the enemies irate is additionally one of their strength

1. Quinn

Quinn is a truly nightmare for Renekton !

At the laning phase, Quinn is massively annoying when she constantly pokes her short-handed enemies champions. If her passive activates, the poke damage is extremely high. Even when the opponent approached, Quinn simply launched a Vault (E) to create a distance from the enemy, continue to poke and dealing damage with her skills and basic attacks.

When she reached level 6, Quinn’s annoyance also spread to other lanes  with her ability to roam. At the end of the match, Quinn can also deal damage like a true ad carry champions. In any case Quinn can likewise go solo with her quality abilities.

About the runes, many Korean Challengers use Phase rush combined with Exhaust for kitting. There are also some who use Electrocute + Ignite to get Firtst blood  easier.


This is one of the most hated champions in the top lane because of his running-away game. In the early stages, most of the short-handed opponents are not able to reach Singed, if yes,  they will be knocked out and burned with Poison Traill (Q). Additionaly, Singed can switch to blocking the minions waves if he feels like the enemy jungler can not defeat him. Because chasing Singed is very time-consuming, losing resources when not able to farm, not to mention that if chasing for too long, you probably die by inhaling Singed poison.

“Don’t chase Singed”

In lategame, Singed’s gameplay will change from blocking minions to … blocking champions. Because when accelerated with the passive, Singed can approach the opponent fast, if the target is knocked in  his W , it will be rooted and may die immediately by Singed teammates.

3. Teemo

During the laning phase, Teemo can continuously exert pressure on the opponent with normal attacks, if got approached, Teemo will launch Blinding Darts (Q) as enemies losing basic attack damage if exchanged .

May be the most hated champion!

At level 6, Teemo can place mushrooms everywhere, constantly enticing opponents to step on mushrooms. Not strong at high elo ranks, however, at low ranks, Teemo is a nightmare for many players. Because the number of players buying Control ward is extremely low, so it is very common to step on mushrooms and die.

When disputing the big target, the enemy team can lose a lot of HP while trying to control vision. So Teemo and his teammates can make a combat  among their mushrooms and use  big targets as bait, if the enemy comes, it will be okay to fight or retreat because there is a mushroom to block the enemies.