LoL upcoming Quickplay Game mode: Details, Release Date, and More

Quickplay is making its debut in League of Legends, set to replace the less popular blind pick mode in the upcoming patch.

Currently, players primarily choose between draft pick and blind pick for Summoner’s Rift games.

In draft pick, players follow a sequence where they select positions, express champion preferences, and engage in a ban phase. Subsequently, teams take turns choosing champions in a pick phase, with both teams aware of each other’s selections.

On the other hand, blind pick allows simultaneous champion selection without a ban phase. Team communication in the chat reveals chosen roles, and teams remain unaware of each other’s choices until after locking in champions. The match begins after a 10-second countdown.

Quickplay introduced to replace Blind pick

Due to the unpopularity of blind pick, Riot decided to introduce quickplay, set to replace blind pick in the upcoming patch. Quickplay eliminates the separate champion select phase, allowing players to choose roles, champions, runes, and spells before entering the queue. Once everyone accepts the game, players immediately enter the Rift without delays.

Image via Riot Games

For solo players, quickplay enables the selection of two unique roles and two champions, with one role and champion being designated as a priority position. For duo, trio, or quad players, similar rules apply, but players can only pick one champion. Additionally, everyone must have different priority positions.

In a five-stack scenario, each player in the lobby must choose only one unique role and champion, and a secondary role is not necessary.

Quickplay is set to launch after patch 13.21, scheduled for October 25, 2023. However, its availability will be rolled out gradually across regions, with no confirmed dates for all servers.