New LoL updates made Yuumi players lose LP just by playing the game

Seems like a new feature for Yuumi

Image via Riot Games

A recent update in the game League of Legends has stirred up some controversy among its player base. Surprisingly, it’s not due to the seemingly overpowered buff given to Tryndamere or anything else. Instead, it’s related to changes made to the game’s AFK system.

The AFK detection system in League of Legends is designed to help players deal with situations where someone leaves or goes inactive during a match. However, the latest update to this system appears to have caused a significant problem for Yuumi players.

Yuumi players get AFK penalty for no reason

Famous League of Legends content creator Vandiril highlighted this issue with the updated AFK system. Initially, the system appeared to work as intended, correctly identifying players who were AFK at the beginning or during a match.

However, it seems that Riot Games overlooked a particular support champion when implementing these changes – Yuumi, a champion known for her passive playstyle because of her attached kit.

Yuumi players have been negatively affected by the recent changes because, for some reason, simply being their champion is not recognized as actively playing the game. This is a serious issue given Yuumi’s core gameplay involves attaching herself to an ally champion.

Now, if Yuumi players attach themselves to an allied champion at the start of a match, the game will register them as AFK and initiate a countdown. Once the timer runs out, the player is officially considered AFK, and their team is given the option to initiate a remake. If the remake vote is successful, that player can potentially lose LP for one of the most ridiculous reasons.

Riot Games has not yet announced a solution to this issue, so players are advised to frequently switch between being attached to their allies and not to avoid encountering this problem again.