LoL: Here’s how you win an Arena game while dealing 0 damage

The new Arena game mode in League of Legends pits players against one another in a 2v2v2v2 fight. But some players wish to do the unthinkable: to win a game while dealing 0 damage to their opponents, and Master Yi makes it possible—sort of.

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A team of two encounters another team of two on a unique battlefield in the new game mode, and whoever kills the other team wins. They’ll then transition to a separate battlefield to combat a different team, attempting to delete their opponent’s health until nothing remains.

But what if you don’t want to deal damage to your opponent? While it may appear to be an absurd idea, Hextech Lab believes it is possible.

0 damage Master Yi in Arena game mode

To do this, you must play as Master Yi, and your only ability is Meditate (W), which regenerates your health and reduced any incoming damage. You’ll also need to disable auto-attack and unbind your keys in case you accidentally press them. If you want some speed increase, you may keep your ultimate, but that’s it.

Then all you have to do is keep your distance from your enemies, use Meditate when required, and watch as the ring closes on them. You may even team up with a Yuumi for even more healing and shielding.

Images via Riot Games

In principle, and in some instances, it is possible to win a match without causing any damage. However, it takes a lot of effort, and you may not be able to complete the game.

However, it is not recommended for those attempting to advance in Arena. Playing this kind of gameplay in the Arena may not help your ranks much, but it is a great challenge to fool around.

Image via Riot Games

There’s the 0 damge Tryndamere challenge that players have been daring to do in Summoner’s Rift, now there’s this new 0 damage Master Yi challenge in Arena.