Lulu and Amumu really need a visual update – Visual Update LoL

Visual Update LoL – Lulu and Amumu are the two champions that have been appearing for a long time in League of Legends, however, these are also the two champions owning the most boring visual right now.

Lulu and Amumu really need a visual update – Visual Update LoL

I’m not sure why this isn’t talked about more. Amumu is the simplest character model in the game, it’s literally just the base of a funko toy. He has only two colors and they’re not actual designs or flair, it’s just green bandages and completely oval yellow eyes. He’s a remnant of the time where League had one voiceactor voice 5 completely different champions and character models were barebone. His amorphous blob base model even limits the capability of his otherwise great skins like infernal and hextech Amumu.

Although Amumu’s race isn’t confirmed, so other directions with modernizing his appearance would be a great possibility as well.

Meanwhile Lulu’s base splash is only okay, her older splashes look terrible, and her ingame model looks like a frog monster or a little girl that had facial swelling after getting stung by bees. To make matters worse, her height and posture are just completely wrong and it makes her look like a creep. Even her best (newest) splashes and ingame models only look okay, but they’re completely out of place compared to other yordles.

I’d be happy with something like this if they wanted to preserve absolutely everything about Lulu while making her look great, but honestly she could use some changes like different clothes, etc as well.

Kennen is a dishonorable mention, with nearly identical issues as Amumu and Lulu, taking a middle-ground between Amumu’s extremely dull and basic shape and Lulu’s ugliness. I think the fact that he’s supposed to be a ninja concealing his face makes his model slightly less offensive, but he definitely needs a VU after the other two yordles.

The biggest reason I believe these champions should be first in line is that their splashes and models have absolutely no defining features. You can retain absolutely everything thematically about these champions while giving them a massive visual overhaul. Amumu’s sadness is basically portrayed as an emoji and Lulu’s whimsy isn’t portrayed at all by their current models.

These models and voiceovers are remnants of an era where yordle models were horrendous and a few voice-actors were stretched out between too many champions so the voice just doesn’t feel right.

League of Legends is growing and launching champions with extremely beautiful looks, cool and eye-catching. However, Riot Games ignoring the appearance of some champions that were born a long time ago? Typically Amumu and Lulu.

Please take care of Amumu first! This is a champion with a very long association with the LoL game, but, Amumu is the simplest champion in the game. In fact, Amumu looks like a Funko model toy.

Visual Update LoL

Older Amumu only has 2 main colors – Green and yellow. Even more pitiful, Amumu almost did not have any prominent motifs all over his body, what he owned was just a pile of cloth wrapped around his body and revealing big yellow eyes filled with tears.

It was the limitation of the basic ingame visual of this mummy boy that led to both consequences for costume ideas. Infernal and Hextech costumes, in fact, if the visual update, these 2 costumes will look more beautiful than the present.

The current also cannot predict whether Amumu is a Yordle or a child in Shurima. Therefore, there was a fan who redesigned the game’s image and skill effects for Amumu. This design is well received and compliments from the LoL community.

Visual Update LoL

However, what Riot Games does is … upgrade the Amumu’s skill visual effects.

Lulu is more fortunate than Amumu, she owns the most sparkling wallpapers in the game of League of Legends. However, to compare the background image with the model in the game, surely a lot of people want to hit their head on the stone because they could not believe their eyes.

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Although the new skins have been slightly interfered with by Riot Games, however, to compare with the other female Yordles that Riot Games has had cosmetic and orthopedic surgery, Lulu is completely outdone. Shuggieh – a Reddit user and idea author – has redesigned Lulu’s model and shares it for everyone to see.

Visual Update LoL

The skill effects of this little witch are completely fine at the present time, the author of the idea pointed out that, Riot Games just need to adjust the body ratio, as well as retouch the appearance and outfit a little

Indeed, the designs of Lulu and Amumu at the present time do not exaggerate their unique personality

The truth is that a champion’s appearance will also directly affect the number of players. By first impression by sight is always what makes players enjoy the most. Like a certain “Cancer” champion?

Information From: Reddit