Many interesting facts about Ezreal you didn’t know.

Ezreal’s gauntlet belonged who created Malphite and facts about Ezreal.

Many interesting facts about Ezreal you didn’t know – Born and raised in a wealthy area in Piltover, Ezreal boy from a young age has revealed a curious nature. His parents were famous archaeologists, so he got used to their trips away from home, sometimes imagining the adventure with them. He loves to hear stories about dangerous journeys, and yearns to fill in all the gaps on any map.


Ezreal was the first to have a ‘Champion Spotlight’.

He was named after Colt ‘Ezreal’ Hallam.

Much like  Akali’s Visual Gameplay Update, Ezreal’s previous iteration is still considered canon.

Ezreal is the first champion to have a skillshot ability that can give buffs to allies with his  Essence Flux, but it was reworked from V8.20.

Many interesting facts about Ezreal you didn’t know.


Many interesting facts about Ezreal you didn’t know. Image

 Pulsefire Ezreal’s suit AI, PEARL, is voiced by Christine Brynn Khalil.

Ezreal is voiced by Kyle Hebert, who also voices  Original Pulsefire Ezreal,  Graves, and  Jarvan IV.

Initial names for his abilities were:

  1. Vector Shot = Mystic Shot
  2. Chains of Light = Essence Flux
  3. Dimensional Pocket = Arcane Shift
  4. Trueshot Blast = Trueshot Barrage

Ezreal is voiced by Daniel Amerman.

One of the spells tested during his rework was a short range nuke that would knock back the target.


Ezreal is around 20 years old.

Many interesting facts about Ezreal you didn’t know.

His fake name in  Demacia is Jarro Lightfeather, Sentinel of Light, 8th Order and a national hero.

His parents may have employed  Kassadin to search for Ne’Zuk’s tomb and found both Horok’s tomb and his  Nether Blade but  Kassadin originally did not dare to take it.

Many interesting facts about Ezreal you didn’t know.

Ezreal’s gauntlet belonged to Ne’Zuk, who created  Malphite.

The little triangles under his eyes are expressions of magic that appear when he’s channeling or using arcane abilities. 

Ezreal is somewhat ambidextrous. 

Many interesting facts about Ezreal you didn’t know. . .

Ezreal has not been to Ionia and Shadow Isles.  . .

Explorer Ezreal depicts Ezreal before he found his gauntlet while  Frosted Ezreal depicts him during his expeditions to the Freljord. . .

Ezreal is seen as a poser by  Ekko. . .

Ezreal met  Neeko mimicking him during his search for The Elixir of Uloa, but he thought his flower water was inflicting hallucinations.

Ezreal once saw  Illaoi in Serpent Isles.

Ezreal came across  Rek’Sai’s lair and narrowly avoided her in Shurima.

Many interesting facts about Ezreal you didn’t know. . . . . . . .

Sylas used to have Neeko’s Q skill and Morde’s R-similar skill and other facts about Sylas