Here’s how Massive Plated Steelcaps Buff is in League Patch 13.5

Plated Steelcaps don’t get slept on quite often, but in League of Legends Patch 13.5, they receive an unexpectedly significant buff

Image via Riot Games

Patch 13.5 for League of Legends has been released with numerous changes that have been made to the live servers. While champion buffs and nerfs are the main focus of most patches, there are occasionally other noteworthy additions.

The patch notes also contained some intriguing information, such as a change to Plated Steelcaps. One of the most popular Boots upgrades in League of Legends is this item. The item could completely alter the situation because they are one of the main counters against AD-based compositions.

Here is the Plated Steelcaps buffs, per Riot’s formal patch notes.

An Auto’s an Auto, No Matter the Code: Steelcaps now looks for all auto attacks for its damage reduction rather than auto attacks tagged with just auto attack and nothing else.

That sentence’s precise phrasing is unclear. That indicates to us and many others that Plated Steelcaps will now deflect more attacks. The item will now check and deflect a much wider variety of strikes going forward. The following are a few examples of attacks and skills that are blocked.

Spideraxe made a lengthy post on Reddit and collected a list of numerous additional stuffs that Plated Steelcaps will now prevent.

Image via Riot Games

Plated Steelcaps, still commonly referred to by the player base as Ninja Tabi, are now a valuable item as a result of this modification. The ability to stay in the lane will now be greatly improved for laners, particularly top laners, thanks to this item. It is a really significant boost, and this will help struggling matches.