Maw of Malmortius bug helps eliminate TES from Worlds 2022

Vandril, the in-house bug hunter for League of Legends, has been busy this year hunting out bugs during Worlds 2022 competition. He has now learned that Top Esports most likely lost against GAM as a result of a bug from Maw of Malmortius.

Top Esports entered their group as a strong favorite. During the Summer Playoffs, they challenged JDG to five games, demonstrating just how formidable they are when they are at their best.

They lost their first three games, though, going 1-2. Even though they defeated Rogue and DRX, the two teams that advanced out of the group, a loss to GAM eliminated them from consideration for Worlds 2022.

Following Vandril’s research, it has been determined that Top Esports’ loss to GAM Esports was most likely due to a glitch with the item Maw of Malmortius.

The year 2022 features a lot of bugs. Due to a visual glitch in her ultimate, which Vandril also made public, Orianna was temporarily disabled. This was done while waiting for a patch to correct the problem.

Maw of Malmortius Bug

Maw of Malmortius’ malfunction appears to have robbed Top Esports of their chance to compete in the Worlds in 2022. This squad experienced a remarkable comeback, but owing to their defeat by GAM Esports, it wasn’t enough to keep them in the competition.

With GAM’s Nexus holding on with just a sliver of HP, the game’s conclusion was absolutely suspenseful. Levi’s damage from the Karthus ult provided GAM just enough strength to turn the fight around after Kiaya forced the hero to play in such a way as to stall Top Esports on his own.

However, Lucian carried a weapon known as the Maw of Malmortius that protects against magic harm. The item’s passive had popped off cooldown, but it didn’t protect him from harm.

Vandril stated that it was “extremely likely” that Top Esports would have had just enough damage to win the match even though there is no assurance that they would have won without Lucian.

He continued by demonstrating how Lucian should have been damaged and how Maw’s passive shield should have appeared had it been effective against Karthus. It would have helped a lot to keep JackeyLove alive, along with the Omnivamp that is given when Maw of Malmortius’ passive shield explodes.

The fact that Top Esports withdrew from the competition devastated its players, with its support player, Mark, declaring that he was probably “going to retire” as a result of their defeat.

Top Esports never had the chance to demonstrate that they would have won the tiebreaker to advance to the Quarterfinals, while there is no guarantee of that. Even if the item had been functional, there is no assurance that they would have prevailed; yet, we are unlikely to ever find out.

Riot has not yet responded to the situation.