This once ‘meta’ Support has fallen out of League of Legends and here’s why

In the ever-changing world of League of Legends, where there are more than 165 champions to choose from, the balance of power is always shifting. Some champions rise to the top in one season only to fall out of favor in the next. Currently, many players believe that one particular support champion, Thresh, has seen better days.

Thresh has fallen out of the support meta

Image via Riot Games

Thresh used to be a go-to pick for support players because he could fit well into any team composition. However, according to discussions on Reddit as of March 5, players feel that Thresh’s effectiveness has declined over the years.

“As someone who has played the game since late season 2, I “fondly” recall Thresh at his peak – Thresh defined the role and was considered the pinnacle of support play.”

“But today he is nearly non existent. Even when we do see common thresh ADCs like Jinx and Aphelios they’re more commonly paired with Tahm Kench or Nautilus or Alistar”

Image via Riot Games

Players have various reasons for Thresh’s fall from grace. One argument is that Thresh used to be valuable even without much gold income, but nowadays supports can earn more gold, making Thresh less unique. Additionally, Thresh has been subjected to numerous nerfs while other champions have become stronger over time.

Image via Riot Games

Moreover, players think that other support champions outshine Thresh in his traditional roles. For example, Nautilus offers better crowd control abilities similar to Thresh’s. When it comes to protecting immobile AD carries, champions like Lulu or Milio provide more utility than Thresh. Furthermore, Thresh’s ultimate ability feels outdated compared to newer champions with more mobility.

Image via Riot Games

Many players believe that Thresh needs buffs to become relevant in the meta again. However, it’s uncertain whether Riot Games, the company behind League of Legends, is interested in revamping Thresh. As of now, there haven’t been any indications from Riot Games that they plan to make significant changes to Thresh.