Mid in Challengers’ 7 tricks to survive better without Junglers.

Place the eyes

This is what everyone who plays League of Legends knows but not everyone does.  If there’s plenty of money, don’t be afraid to buy a couple of Control Eyes and stick them in the river dust for additional tools to read enemies’ movement.


Standard farming here does not mean that 100% of the soldiers born to collect all the gold. Consider the position of correlation between yourself and the enemy, accepting to abandon some creps to avoid dangerous skills for a capabler gank.  Calculate in trading damage, avoid draining all your mana but gain nothing – and then become a lucrative prey for the enemy.

You should also make use of the fighting gaps to clean up jungle and gain money. 

Keeping position

Remember to regulate minions in lane which can help yourself stay away from enemies’ vision .  Always stand in favor of the warded position, near the tower and near jungler to avoid attacks.  If possible, try to keep yourself out of range of enemy to minimize the amount of damage received.

Stay alert

Suddenly the kid with ⅓ HP bar in front of you dare to solo with you ?  Definitely it is a problem. There is an enemy guy dancing in front of your whole team? It has to be a problem,….

Ask yourself questions about any abnormalities that occur during the game, avoiding the hand that is faster than the brain and upsetting the game.

Reading opponents’ junglers’ movement.

This requires a lot of practice, but the effect is extremely valuable.  By looking at the clock of the monster camp regularly, assessing the feature  of the enemy jungle, judging their target and taking appropriate steps, you will avoid losing your KDA points.

Reporting enemies’ position. 

First, please to attend in missing ping. It means you give out your opinion about where can a champion be and do not smashing it sometimes like: What the …?

You may not need to leave the road to support other lanes, especially when you are in a hard situation.  Inform your teammates about every opponent’s movements, help them make more accurate decisions during their teamfights, as well as proceed to seize important goal

When they succeed on their way, naturally, the pressure on you will be a little bit lighter.

Have good relationship with our Jungle.

Despite saying there’s no need for Jung, mid laners still need a connection with Summoner’s Rift season 10 star.

Remote support by Ping, or roaming when they encounter uncertainties in their forest … They will be very grateful to you, and will be ready to assist you even before you have a blue ping.  It was a way to help unite Mid and Jung, bringing the whole team to victory.

The 2020 season is predicted to be the time for the junglers to ascend.  However, because of that, the role of Mid laners is not overshadowed. Have the right tactics, moves as well as the right action to shine in the Arena of Justice without being too dependent on Jungler!