Mid lane Lucian with Serylda’s Grudge is dominating League Patch 11.13

Shoot everything in your path with this Lucian build of League Patch 11.13.

Many pro players, including Faker, is spamming this Lucian build in soloQ.

Image via Riot Games

For quite a long time, Lucian has been one of the best champion to pick in Mid lane, especially in higher ranks and in professional tournaments with high mobility, good damage both early and mid game while maintaining excellent laning phrase. Most of his current build are revolving around critical items such as Galeforce/ Kraken Slayer, Essence Reaver and Infinity Edge. However, in Patch 11.13, many pro players has found another item that has been proven to suited him extremely well: Serylda’s Grudge.

Many pro players has switched to this build

Traceback to the Pre-Season 2021, one of the biggest changes in the Season was the decision to drop critical damage from 200% to 175% from Riot Games, which made many ADs such as Caitlyn, Ashe, or Twitch gets kicked out of the meta completely. Lucian is one of the champions that rely on crit build, which made him suffer quite a lot from the mentioned change.

Being a Mid Laner, Lucian is required to have good damage at both early-game and mid-game, while Essence Reaver is his popular second item after Galeforce/Kraken Slayer, it only tackles his mana issue while doesn’t provide the amount of damage that this champion needs at that point of a game. Instead of going Essence Reaver -> Infinity Edge, many players found out that Serylda’s Grudge can be the best pick for this case.

Thanks to its 35% armor penetration and the slow from its passive, Serylda can be second or third item, depend on player’s choice to provide better damage and a small amount of extra CC for his kit. With the removal of Blade of The Ruined King activate, Lucian is desperately in need for another CC effect, and Serylda’s Grudge slow effect is perfect for this position.

Each bullet from Lucian’s R will also apply the slow effect from Serylda’s Grudge

While his first item remain unchanged: Galeforce against more mobile champion or squishier matchups / Kraken Slayer against tankier and slower champions. Serylda’s Grudge can be build second or third instead of Essence Reaver and Infinity Edge, depends on the matchups.

Infinity Edge should be the next item that you should aim for after having both Serylda and Essence Reaver for even better damage at the later stages of the match, Black Cleaver is also an excellent choice against tankier champions as its effect can be stacked with each bullet from your Ultimate.

Serylda’s Grudge can be considered as one of the best build for Lucian at the moment. With Mid lane is currently full of Assassins and Roamers, having Lucian as your Mid laner can help you do well against certain matchups and provide your team tons of damage at mid game – the period that is usually the key to win your games in the current meta.

What do you think about this new build? Try it and leave a comment!