What Happens When Milio is paired with 4 ADC champions?

With the full abilities and description of Milio being revealed, players are all eyes on what this new champion is capable of

Players might be able to take down important objectives without even being close to them thanks to Milio, the upcoming League of Legends champion, and in some instances, dangerously quickly.

Milio and four ally ADCs were seen bringing down a full-health turret from inside the top jungle in a recent brief video shared on Twitter by Vandiril, a well-known League content creator who frequently highlights flaws and exploits the game.

Even though this was against bots, it still demonstrates how some formidable champions could become even more lethal thanks to League’s upcoming champion. In a co-op versus bots game, Vandiril was showing this tactic flawlessly without any opposition interfering, which isn’t typically how things would go down.

Image via Riot Games

ADCs in numerous roles at once have recently benefited from meta shifts in both solo queue and competitive play. Theoretically, Milio could use a group like this to equip all of his marksmen allies—who already have a respectable long range—and give them the ability to destroy important objectives like turrets, dragons, and even the Baron from outside of their auto-attack range.

Images via Riot Games

Each of the champions shown in the video does possess a natural ability to extend their range without Milio’s assistance. Players will probably need to buy a Rapid Firecannon in order to effectively outrange turrets from this distance without using champions like Jinx, Kog’Maw, or Caitlyn because Milio will give them even more range.

However, despite producing unforgettable moments, such an unconventional team makeup may not be the best choice for winning the majority of games. Milio, the Gentle Flame will be released on League of Legends live servers in patch 13.6, on March 22.