Leak: Milk Tea Gragas, Popcorn Singed Appeared and Many New Skins

A lot of interesting outfits are likely to be officially released in the future.

At the start of the season, Riot Games introduced new skin projects this year with themes that could be voted on by players such as Monster Tamer, Debonair 2.0, and Crime City Nightmare.

And a few hours ago, a Brazilian League of Legends gamer shared a series of survey documents on this regional server about new outfits, who said that the new outfit will be voted on by Riot Games. someday. Because it is Brazil’s own LoL survey, the skin is all “genuine goods”, but because they are in the process of finishing, the aesthetics may be different:

As many people judge, the order of the champions with the above skins will be Annie, Lucian, Jarvan IV, Ahri, Zed, Ezreal, Kennen, Urgot, Gragas and Singed. In it, some skins can be “guessing” that is “Urgot 2077”, “Black Sugar Pearl Milk Tea Gragas”, “Popcorn Singed”…

In addition, as a series of outfits voted on, it takes a long time to invest in finishing. Therefore, the community wants Riot Games to release a lot of interesting content around the new skins series such as trailers, short films, storylines, … like champion Viego was recently released.

Of course a survey is still a survey, until it is officially designed there is still a very long time. So it is likely that interesting skin ideas will become complete designs in the future but not arrive anytime soon.

Milk Tea Gragas, Popcorn Singed

It is not uncommon for Riot Games to conduct separate surveys of each area to find the most attractive topic, wrong skin design. Each of these themes features pre-sketched designs with compelling storylines for each skins universe.