Miss Fortune Arcane Comet become the newest hot pick of League Patch 11.19

The old-school build for Miss Fortune return in League Patch 11.19.

Miss Fortune has long been attached to the Press the Attack rune because it interacts so well with her Q – Double Up. However, in patch 11.19, an old-but-new playstyle: Arcane Comet Miss Fortune surged in popularity in the Korean Challenger rank. So, what is the cause of the return of this trend in League of Legends? Let’s figure it out together in this article.

According to op.gg, her pick rate growth from 7th to 2nd in Patch 11.18 to Patch 11.19

First, let’s talk about the buff that The Bounty Hunter received in Patch 11.18. Essentially, the number of rounds Miss Fortune launched has increased, which means that the damage of this skill has been increased. As a result, her kill pressure on the opponent is extremely high at level 6, so the pick and win rate of this champion has been increased in League Patch 11.18, and this trend continues to grow in Patch 11.19 as well.

The much-needed buff in League Patch 11.18 help Miss Fortune rise

Her limitation in comparison to other ADCs is that she is not well-suited for the season 11 critical items. The crit item feature in Season 11 requires players to farm a lot and reach the threshold of 3 items to be able to deal strong damage. Meanwhile, she is the type of champion who puts pressure on early and requires more power. As a result, the masters have focused on creating Lethality items for this champion.

Miss Fortune’s attack speed will obviously be limited when using Lethality items, and she will not be able to fully utilize the Press the Attack point. As a result, Arcane Comet is an extremely effective way to poke and crush the lane in the early game. When combined with Support champions with a lot of control, such as Nautilus and Alistar, Arcane Comet Miss Fortune can deal a lot of damage right away.

Image via Riot Games

Because the goal of this playstyle is to poke the opponent’s HP during the laning phase, players must select points from the Magic branch such as Absolute Focus, Manaflow Band, and Scorch. Magical Footwear and Biscuit Delivery are both excellent choices in the Inspiration sub-branch. If you want more healing, switch to the Domination branch, which has two Taste of Blood and Ravenous Hunter points.

Concerning Arcane Comet items Miss Fortune, Eclipse is a great item for this girl because it activates the shield effect quickly. When Youmuu’s Ghostblade has been heavily buffed in patch 11.17, which made them pretty much of a must-pick option. Items that can counter the opponent, such as Serylda’s Grudge or Serpent’s Fang, are all excellent late-game choices for Miss Fortune.

In short, Miss Fortune has become much more popular on the Korean server since receiving a buff in Patch 11.18. Miss Fortune’s early and mid-game power will be greatly enhanced by the use of Arcane Comet and Lethality items. If you want to dominate the enemy with a strong ADC playstyle, Arcane Comet Miss Fortune is the best choice in League Patch 11.19 for you.