Mordekaiser Jungle to dominate Patch 11.11 meta

This new playstyle is helping Mordekaiser to dominate Patch 11.11 in higher ranks of the Korean server.

Image via Riot Games

As one of the best top lane picks in Patch 11.11, with the latest Patch 11.10 buff for the Riftmaker, Mordekaiser has been finding more success in League of Legends. More exceptionally, this champion is finding himself being one of the best Jungle picks in Patch 11.11 on the Korean server.

While having slow camp clear speed at the earlier levels, once he reach level 6, with his Ultimate, Mordekaiser can secure more sucessful ganks, especially when he use his Ultimate on weaker targets such as ADCs or SPs in the early stage of the match. He can make great ganks, while also being sustain in long-term combats and teamfights with his healing and passive damage. Mordekaiser is also able to seperate team comps effectively, allowing his teammates to do 4v4 combats where they have the upper hand playing against the enemy team without their carry in certain situations.

While having strong ganking and combat potential, his early clear speed can be a disadvantage when comparing to more meta champions such as Morgana or Rumble. His early playstyle will be very simple, trying to secure and clear camps safely until you reach level 6, once you unlock your Ultimate, you can start making ganks that having very high chance to be success. Start snowballing enemy laners, while keep an eye on Objective such as Dragons or the Herald and rotate the map to make gank everytime you got your Ultimate ready.

Riftmaker, Rylai Scepter and Zhonya Hourglass are your cores, try to finish Riftmaker and Ionian Boots as soon as possible. With the current Jungle meta is in favor of AP champions, Mordekaiser will become a great pick if you are looking for an easy-to-play, yet effective picks to climb in Patch 11.11.