Neeko Mini-rework confirmed with more updates from Riot

Neeko, our favorite shapeshifter, will get a mid-scope update later this year

Image via Riot Games

This year has seen a slew of champion mini-reworks, practically all of which have been highly appreciated by fans. The Ahri and Sivir mini-reworks have been quite effective, significantly increasing their pick and win rate.

Furthermore, Riot announced in a recent LoL Pls video that they want to update even more champions. According to Riot Reav3, they want to “freshen up the champions that aren’t living up to the expectations of the players who love them,” and Neeko is on the list.

Reav3 also mentioned in the video that it will be a mid-scope update rather than a full-scale revamp.

Neeko Mid-scope updates in League of Legends

Riot Phlox indicated in a tweet that he will be in charge of Neeko’s mini-rework. Fans think her present troubles will be solved with the mini-rework and are quite pleased about it.

Since her release, the Curious Chameleon has been in a bind. She currently lacks a true identity. With the on-hit build, she is mostly used in the mid lane but can also be found in the top lane. Furthermore, her pick rate in both the mid and top lanes is relatively low.

Despite being created as a mid-laner, Neeko cannot compete with the current mid-lane champions. Riot is thus preparing a mini-rework for her.

Image via Riot Games

The mini-rework release date has not been given, however, they have stated that it will be within this year. Nonetheless, we expect it will be after the patch for the rest of the world. As a result, we may have to wait only a few months.