This Audio Glitch is Actually A New Champion Tease 2020?

Players have been experiencing this creepy audio “glitch” in the League of Legends’ Client.

Is This Really A Glitch?

At first, the players thought it was a glitch because it just shows up randomly in champion select. This unexpected audio not only creeps people out but also makes them wonder if their computer broke.

According to a player who is a sound designer, the weird audio from the client has precise effects and edits. These effects suggested that the audio was NOT a glitch.

This user also noticed that they can hear words like “the voice” in this audio. While others think this could be a new jungle tease, the player implied that this audio is a new champion teaser.

A New Jungler?

New Jungler Champion?

Let’s go back to Riot Games’ latest dev news 5 days ago about their champion roadmap.

According to Riot Games, there will be 3 champions are going to be released soon. They are “a dreamy jungle, masked assassin, and thrill-seeking marksman.”

The first champion who is going to be released (maybe this June), is going to be a jungler.

Could this new champion be Zoe’s friend?

This new jungler contained jokes about being sent to sleep, so it suggested that this kind of hypnosis champion could send people to sleep.

Besides, this audio tease could also be the two-faced assassin champion. Riot Games suggested that he/she has two weapons

The Weird Audio in the Client

Alright, enough with all the theories. Let’s put your headphones on and/or turn up your volume up, then try to hear what does this sound like.

Weird Audio “Glitch”

Although Riot Games has not confirmed if this is an audio tease or not. Rioter Reav3, who is also the author of Champion Roadmap June 2020 posted a comment on above Reddit thread. He said:” I’m not sure what this is, but it definitely isn’t a champ teaser.”

As we all know, Riot always has a unique way to promote their new champions and skins. If this is not a new champion tease, it could be a new event promotion. If neither of them is correct. Riot Games’ game development team really need to fix their Client, again.

What do you think it is? Is it going to be a new champion? If so, which one would it be? A dreamy jungle, a masked assassin, or a thrill-seeking marksman?

Let’s us know in the comments!

Read more: League of Legends Client Has Nearly 60 Bugs