New Champ Purra – New Skin Leak

League of Legends: The next new general will be named Purra and possess Skin Battle Academia.

As previously announced, the 144th general of LOL will be a support magician, this information has been revealed long ago by Riot but we currently have no information about the new champion.

Recently, a list of new costumes has been leaked on the Reddit discussion forum and especially the information of the next new general in the League of Legends. This “leak” section is mainly about the costumes that the League will debut in the near future.

Notably, there is a costume of a general called Purra. Many people believe that this is the name of the new support general that Riot Games is about to launch. The reliability of this “leak” section is quite high because this morning, a costume on that list appeared on PBE server, which is Jayce’s outfit. 

Some other costumes in the leak section are as follows: 

– Zed Professor *Replaced by Galaxy Slayer Zed* 

– Battle Academia: Purra, Ekko, Jayce, Katarina 

– Mecha: Vel’Koz, Udyr, Taliyah 

– Demon: Shaco, Tristana 

– Raven Cadenza Jhin 

– Swan Princess Oriana 

– Arcade: Teemo, Yasuo 

– Arcade (Prestige Edition): Yasuo 

– Battle Boss: Kathus, Nautilus 

– Star Guardian: Annie, Sona, Zoe, Rakan, Xayah 

– K/DA Evelynn Prestige Edition *Has launched* 

– Project: Jinx, Irelia, Xin Zhao 

– Bewitching: Lux, Soraka 

– Witch Hunter: Ezreal, Kayn 

– Coven: Morgana, Syndra, Leblanc