New champions are too popular when the old ones are being forgotten?

Unprecedented in previous seasons, the professional leagues over the world in the 2020 season are being dominated by new champions that Riot Games has recently launched.  This made many people wonder, even Rekkles-Fnatic bottom player was forced to speak out on his stream.

Rekkles shared that he did not understand what Riot Games was planning to do, however, if they continued to launch new super strong heroes, in some respects, no one would want to play  former champs as well.

In fact, within past few days, Kai’Sa is one of the few most comprehensive AD carries ever, but she still has to make room for Senna and Aphelios.  Even Sett became a hot pick when he just debuted, crazy, right?

In addition to the crazy hegemony mechanics such as the whole map skill set (Senna, Aphelios before being nerfed) and more than 1,000 Standard Damage in a moment (Sett), the common points of these 3 is that they start with few weaknesses, even weaknesses are difficult to recognize.

The early AD carries of the game such as Ashe, Sivir, Caitlyn, … in addition to not having the ability to deal superior damage, less maneuverability, the weakness of these marksmans is extremely much and very easy to “exploit” them.

New legends in the past year, most of them have a new mechanism in their attacks or skill sets to penetrate the enemy’s toughest defenses, even to the point of ridiculous.

So, Rekkles’s sentence completely strikes the reality and is also a warning for the development team of Riot Games, so considering adding too many “incentives” for those  The next champions.

Of course, there is nothing absolute, right or wrong, if you do not agree with Rekkles saying, please leave your opinion in the comment section to discuss with everyone.