New Draven Ult can execute THOUSAND of damage

Draven Ult is the new Collector…

As fans have already know by now, Riot is planning on making changes to some certain champions in patch 11.18 and 11.19 as they wanted to “undoubtedly” impact the meta in Worlds 2021.

Previous professional matches have been extensively examined by the design team. At Worlds 2021, they want to give more tactical and synergistic diversity, as well as strategic thinking stimulation and appeal to audiences globally.

One specific champion that Riot wants back in the meta is perhaps Draven. He also got a small adjustment on his ult that would erratically put him back in the meta. However, this wasn’t a small adjustment at all, in fact, it was a “HUGE” adjustment.

Image via Riot Games

Draven’s new ult

“If Whirling Death would leave an enemy champion with less health than Draven’s current League of Draven stacks, he will execute them.”

Basically, the more League of Draven stacks he gains, the easier he can execute the enemies. The stacks can be gained through catching an axe, killing minions or destroying a turret…  

For some players, this change is kind of reasonable because it actually fits the champion playstyle and personality really well. For the gameplay, though, comes with a lot of controversial statements.

Players assume the change is too broken and can immediately affect Worlds, players can stack up from the early game and, if played carefully throughout the mid game, they could use their ult to execute a full-health champion in a combat. Some, on the other hand, think the mechanic is actually fine since Draven can only execute 1 person and he doesn’t gain much stacks as often (usually 200-300 stacks per kill).

Image via Riot Games

According to Riot, his passive and ult – Whirling Death still has a lot of untapped potential so the adjustment can alter as it hits live servers. Until then, this Draven change is available on the PBE for players to test out.