New Emote Wheel has finally given players what they want in League Patch 13.9

Riot has updated the Emote Wheel

Emotes have grown prevalent in video games, notably League of Legends, in recent years. There haven’t been many changes in the 6 years since emotes first appeared in League, other from a few UI tweaks and the inclusion of new emotes.

Image via Riot Games

In League of Legends, players have noticed something different about the Emote Wheel since Patch 13.8 went live and Patch 13.9’s updates have begun to surface on the League PBE.

Riot fulfilled one of their promises with the revamped Ping system in Patch 12.22. Riot, however, postponed the Emote Wheel owing to various problems. Then, they finally released the updated Emote Wheel after months of anticipation.

New Emote Wheel in Patch 13.9

The earlier version of the emote wheel included five emotes that could be used in-game. It also has four more options for the Game Start, First Blood, Ace, and Victory animations.

Riot is now merging the five emote slots with the four new spaces for the revamped emote wheel, totaling nine slots. This means that players will be able to use the emotes placed in the Game Start, First Blood, Ace, and Victory spaces.

Even if these aren’t perfect for some, others don’t mind not having these situational emotes and enjoy the flexibility to spam as many emotes as they like.

However, the present form of the wheel is not final, and Riot may introduce more customization choices in the future. If it occurs, we will update it to you as soon as possible.

Image via Riot Games

The redesigned Emote Wheel will be available on live servers with Patch 13.9, which will be published on May 3, 2023.