New Kalista mechanic was discovered by LoL players

New Kalista mechanic was randomly discovered

League of Legends is notoriously complex, filled with an almost endless champion-specific mechanics that often interact with each other in intricate ways.

Recently, the League community collectively stumbled upon a new mechanic on the game’s official subreddit. A large number of players discovered that Kalista gains credit for minion kills whenever the champion she is tethered to with The Black Spear lands the last hit on a minion.

The discussion emerged from the Reddit thread where users were questioning why there aren’t more useful loading screen tips. The original poster, a user named Bebeebap, provided several examples of what they considered to be helpful tips, including:

The revelation about this mechanic, in particular, sparked a significant reaction from the community. Many players in the comments expressed their surprise, admitting they had no idea this feature existed.

Image via Riot Games

“She only gets the last hit if both she and her support auto for her W passive damage, last hitting by her bound target doesn’t go to her automatically unless her W passive is being procced.”

This interaction is only vaguely hinted at in the passive effect description of her Sentinel (W) ability, which notes that both Kalista and her bound ally deal bonus damage and execute targets when they are below 125 HP.

For this mechanic to work, both Kalista and her partner must attack the same target, meaning you can’t just tether to a solo laner and receive credit for minion kills across the map while playing as Kalista.

However, this mechanic can be highly beneficial for well-coordinated lane teammate who are aware of it, allowing them to maximize the effectiveness of Kalista’s kit now that more players are informed about its existence.

Image via Riot Games

As the community continues to unearth hidden mechanics and share valuable tips, League of Legends players can expect to see new strategies and synergies develop, making the game even richer and more engaging.