New Legendary items for Enchanters, Tank, and Sanguine Rework are confirmed by Riot Game

More items are being introduced to the game.

Image via Riot Games

Most League of Legends players has now gotten acclimated to the new appearance of the in-game shop, as well as all of the items that came with the 2021 preseason update. But don’t get too comfy, since Riot Games intends to bring two new items and one drastically revamped item to the game shortly.

Lead game designer Jeevun “Jag” Sidhu revealed some of the secrets behind the three items in the most recent Ask Riot developer blog. To begin, Riot will introduce a new Legendary tank item that, like Knight’s Vow and Zeke’s Convergence, will connect one player to another. The twist is that instead of tying to an ally, you’ll be binding to an opponent.

The item will provide the user damage reduction against the selected opponent, as well as an extra tenacity reduction aura against them if you are close to them. As a consequence, it’s ideal for dealing with a highly fed carry on the other team or a split pusher who can kill you in a one-on-one situation.

Image via Riot Games

Next, Sanguine Blade will be heavily reworked because its stats have struggled to support the item’s “solo operative fantasy.” As a result, Riot intends to remove it from the lethality space in order to make it more appealing to any AD champion. The developers are also changing the item’s power such that it can battle many champions while also having the capacity to siege a tower that is “defended by a durable opponent.”

The final item is a Legendary for enchanter champions that provides burst resistance comparable to Zhonya’s Hourglass but with a much more support-focused focus. The item is intended to provide enchanter support with a means of avoiding being annihilated by heavy dive compositions and assassins who manage to slip into the backline.

The tank item and Sanguine Blade overhaul will be available this summer, while the new enchanter item will be available during the preseason. As is customary, the team is still contemplating various potential spaces to investigate for this year’s preseason, but that is still a long way off.