New LoL player cried out after her first ‘toxic’ game experience

A new LoL player is said to be left crying after suffering toxicity in just a few first games

Riot’s popular MOBA League of Legends has been around for a long time, having surpassed 14 years of age.

Image via Riot Games

As a result, the LoL player base has become increasingly toxic, with players expecting others to know how to fulfil their roles and play effectively in every game, even for beginners. Also, when Riot Games continues to modify and encourage players to participate in the ranked mode, the outcome is a more competitive atmosphere.

As a result, a newer player has come forward to relate their terrible experiences while playing in a blind pick game.

After a first-time toxic experience, a LoL player broke down in tears

Kasiskas, a Reddit user and also a new League of Legends player, was fresh to LoL. According to her own remark, she had only touched the practise mode or AI after playing four blind select games.

She was playing Tristana in her 3rd blind pick game and were unaware that she was assisting the jungler with the buff. Unfortunately, she mistakenly killed the buff, irritating their jungler in the process. The jungler eventually carried Kasiskas to victory, but while being toxic.

Image via Riot Games

“I don’t think League is for me, which makes me so sad but I’m just too sensitive and I’m terrified of making mistakes. I really loved playing with my boyfriend in Wild Rift while I didn’t have proper League, and seeing him so happy that he can share his interest with me.”

“League is mean, it wasn’t even ranked.”

Image via Riot Games

Kasiskas believed LoL on PC wasn’t the ideal game for her since her bad previous experience, believing she was too sensitive and afraid of making any mistakes again. Fortunately, numerous Reddit users rushed the comments with helpful advise and resources for the new player.

Riot has made attempts to curb toxicity in League, but the game looks to still have its fair number of nasty monkeys.