New Lucian changes that allow him to be more viable in different team comps

Lucian players can now play him with other support champions other than Nami

Whether on the pro stage or in casual play, Lucian has always been seen with Nami in the bot lane as one of League of Legends’ best duo. However, with the exception of a few odd outliers, the Purifier doesn’t have much viability in comparison to the other supports in the game.

But Riot Games intends to diversify Lucian’s existing pool of potential bottom lane combinations in a forthcoming update by making significant adjustments to his passive, Lightbringer, and how it interacts with other types of champions moving forward. Spideraxe has detailed the adjustments in a tweet.

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League of Legends Lucian Passive changes

Image via Riot Games

The first change that some players will notice is a clear nerf to his passive, Vigilance’s base magic damage and magic AD ratio. This damage is mitigated, however, by granting the champion the ability to use his additional magic damage anytime an opponent champion is struck with CC within 1000 units.

As a result, Lucian will do less damage, but he may now team up with a variety of supports, including more popular tanky units like Braum, Alistar, and Thresh.

Images via Riot Games

Lucian could previously only use this additional damage from his passive by being healed, shielded, or given a buff, which is why he was always team-up with enchanter supports.

These modifications should allow Lucian to play in a variety of team compositions rather than being limited to only some specific team compositions based on the three strongest champions to play with him at the time, Nami, Yuumi, or Milio.