New Mythic item – Heartsteel is nerfed but only in ARAM

The newest Mythic item in League of Legends, Heartsteel, is about to get nerfed, but not on Summoner’s Rift. According to League’s lead designer Matt Leung-Harrison today, it will only be nerfed in ARAM.

Heartsteel was released during the preseason and immediately became popular, which caused some problems for the developers. Since its release, many players have regarded it as one of the strongest items in the meta.

The item’s active skill had a general nerf earlier this month. It is now receiving a further nerf on the same subject, but exclusively in ARAM.

According to Matt Leung-Harrison, the item’s “high highs (and low lows) that aggravate frustration” are the cause of the nerf.

Even though it isn’t completely balanced, it won’t be changed on the Summoner’s Rift because it isn’t overly powerful: the programmer claimed that being a must-buy for “certain” champions is “intended for any item” and that this item is stronger at lower levels than at higher Elo. The tank meta will also be actively watched, and the item might be changed again shortly.

The Mythic item, which provides tanks with priceless benefits, has been added to the League’s preseason roster. Health, base health regeneration, and the ability haste are all significantly increased.

Additionally, it features the one-of-a-kind active talent Colossal Consumption, which charges a special strike with increased damage in accordance with the character’s maximum health.

Heartsteel will be modified along with Patch 12.23, which goes live on December 7 and includes numerous other adjustments to tank champions and equipment.