New non-mythic items might be added to League

Meddler – League’s Game director shared thoughts about the new item system today, revealed some of the non-mythic items might be added to the game.

Image via Riot Games

The process of remaking the item system this Season has not been done yet.

In today’s lol pls video, Andrei “Meddler” van Roon – Game Director of League of Legends stated plans on adding new non-mythic items to the game. As he discussed the current state of the game, he focused on the newly added item system, saying more non-mythic items might be added to “fill in some gaps”.

“A couple of examples of those are an Enchanter item we’re trying that’s meant to be good against dive or anti-carry heavy teams or a tank item aimed at countering split pushers so that even if you’re not a splitpushing champion yourself or able to one-v-one a splitpushing Trynd or whatever, this is still a good item to turn to in those situations,” Meddler discussed in the video.

While it’s already five patches into Season 11, Riot’s intention is to fill in the gaps of certain aspects in the game that has been lacking out by featuring more items along the way. For example, a new anti-dive item for Enchanters can help Supports deal better against matchups that the enemy team is trying to assault the ADC with a four-man-dive-in team comp. Furthermore, the adding of a new item that can help Tanks counter solo-pushing champions in certain matchups can also cover one of the class’s biggest weaknesses, especially when they are behind compared to their opponent, thus opens up new possibilities and diversities in strategies and game plans.

The goal of releasing a new item system was to diversify the game with more choices, balancing the game while also provide a wave of fresh air for both regular players and returning players of the game. However, things can get really tricky in certain situations.

Some individual items, such as Sunfire Aegis or Goredrinker have been overperforming the rest, thus, make more interesting choices become worse and lowered the diversity of the game. Riot has already planned on adjusting several over-powered items such as burst items, Bami’s Cinder, and systemic healing. More changes to improve the game are coming soon, with the arrival of new non-mythic items on the horizon.