New Out-of-vision System is coming to Summoner’s Rift in LoL Patch 13.22

New vision changes coming in Patch 13.22

Riot Games is gearing up for yet another significant update, set to arrive in League of Legends with Patch 13.22, building on the momentum of their recent wave of improvements upon champions, jungle, and various changes in the preceding Patch 13.21. This forthcoming patch is poised to bring about alterations to an essential aspect of gameplay in the League: vision management.

Picture this scenario: you’ve planted a ward in a bush to gain a crucial field of vision, but once it expires, it briefly exposes any lurking enemies within. This brief window has traditionally operated within a specific range and duration. However, Riot has decided it’s time to tweak these numbers, and these adjustments are causing quite a stir in the community.

New out-of-vision changes coming in Patch 13.22

While out-of-vision but revealed due to attacks, the reveal changes are as follows:

What’s intriguing about these adjustments is that they appear to heavily favor the aggressor’s side. This means that players who enjoy tactics that capitalize on the element of surprise, such as attacking from positions like bushes, will have a distinct advantage.

The ramifications of these changes are expected to ripple throughout the game, but they will be most acutely felt in the Top lane, where melee champions frequently find themselves squaring off against ranged enemies.

For those champions who favor long range in the Top lane, this change can be seen as a buff to their harassing capabilities. The critical alterations revolve around not only the range at which an enemy can be revealed but also the all-important duration of that revelation.

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It’s the latter that truly tilts the scales in favor of ranged bullies. This means that the poor melee champions are burdened with an even shorter time frame to execute well-timed counterplays.

In a nutshell, these changes raise compelling questions about power dynamics in the top lane. It’s possible that Riot Games has a vision in mind, but for now, the community will have to exercise patience and wait for further insights to emerge.

Image via Riot Games

The anticipated Patch 13.22 is slated for official release on Wednesday, November 8, 2023.