New update patch 10.10: Goodbye Candyland

Hello guys, it’s me Snail again. Patch 10.9 is over and we new patch 10.10 have arrive so in this paper, I’ll talk about new update in patch 10.10 and help you guys know about this patch to build your own comp. 

Patch 10.10 focus to nerf some hot comp build like Candy Land, Xayah Pikachu, Chrono Blademaster,… Patch 10.10 also buff some champion are not so useful with player in patch 10.9. Let get into it. 


: Mech Pilot Attack Damage: 100% of Pilots’ Attack Damage⇒ 80 + 45% of Pilots Attack Damage. This is a nerf for mech pilot make player can’t use damage item like some player use in patch 10.9   

: Infiltrators now jump regardless if there is a target within their Attack Range on start of combat. 

: Space Pirate (4) Item Drop Chance: 20% ⇒ 25%.  



Poppy Buckler Toss Damage: 100/175/250 ⇒ 100/150/200 

Poppy Buckler Toss Shield: 200/350/500 ⇒ 200/300/400 

Twisted Fate: 

Twisted Fate Wild Cards Damage (per card): 200/300/550 ⇒ 200/300/450 


Xayah AD: 55 ⇒ 50 


Total Mana: 45 ⇒ 40 

This nerf on Poppy and Twisted Fate make the comp Candy Land hyper roll not so over power in patch 10.10 and hyper roll is going to cold down. However, Xayah just got nerf 5 attack damage so the comp hyper roll Xayah carry still worthy to play but now have some risk. Ziggs got a buff when his total mana reduce from 45 ⇒ 40  


Yasuo Health: 600 ⇒ 700 

Yasuo Total Mana: 100 ⇒ 90 

This is a buff for Yasuo after rework his skill this buff make him stronger and use his skill faster 


Karma Attack Speed Bonus on Shield: 35%/50%/100% ⇒ 50%/75%/125% 

This buff make the comp Vanguard Sniper with Karma and Jhin comeback really strong. 


Syndra Unleashed Power Damage (per orb): 80/120/200 ⇒ 100/150/250 

After Chalice of Favor and Syndra get a nerf in 10.9 Mana gating gun Syndra with Star Guardian have disappear so in 10.10 Syndra got a buff with her damage. 


Kayle Divine Ascent Waves Damage: 125/200/750 ⇒ 125/200/600 

A little nerf for Kayle at 3 star but she still over power with strong equipment for her at 1 – 2 star. 


Vel’Koz Spell Damage: 425/550/2000 ⇒ 450/600/2000 

This buff really good for Void Brawler to comeback with Vel’Koz got 25 more AP at 1 star and 50 AP more at 2 star. 


WuKong Cyclone Targeting: now prioritizes hitting the closest enemy he hasn’t hit yet rather than a random one. 


                            Chalice of Favor: Negatron Cloak + Tear of The Goddess 

Chalice of Harmony Mana Restore: 10 ⇒ 8 

Deathblade:B.F Sword + B.F Sword 

Deathblade Starting Stacks: 0 ⇒ 1 

Deathblade now displays the amount of Attack Damage gained rather than stacks 

Morello & Red Buff: 

Morello:    Needlessly Large Rod + Giant’s Belt 

Red Buff:Chain Vest + Giant’s Belt 

Morello & Red Buff Damage Burn: 27% ⇒ 25% 

Hope you enjoy the game.