New Viego Bug that allows him to crash the entire match

Viego – the Bug King returns again with the newest “feature” …

Viego is probably one of the most divisive champions in League of Legends. The champion has been regarded as very “game-breaking” since his debut in the game with numerous of bugs that has occurred; along with his overpowering kit and design.

In the past, things were a lot easier when he was still banned from professional tournament, allowing Riot to focus their efforts and resources on resolving all of the interactions that may cause problems with this champion.

Image via Riot Games

Now, after having such a successful time throughout big tournaments lately, along with the upcoming PENTAKILL skin, Viego is in a very good position regarding as a “normal” champion. Or so we thought he would…

Viego Bug that disconnect the whole match

Recently, Vandiril found another bug that involving this champion, the error was so impacted to the game that Riot eventually had to disable him once again. In the video, after Viego killed a champion, he would possess the body as usual, but the animation of him turning in to the body seemed to bug out of the game, making the progress impossible to continue. Eventually, the match disconnected.

It is finally discovered that the bug only happens when he has to himself 100% crit chance. If it is not 100%, then every progress of him possessing the body will still function properly.  This is actually a funny bug since it crashed the PBE servers 2 days ago, making the game broke down itself.

As for Viego, players continue to wonder if there will be any newer “features” that Riot has to offer to us when it comes to this champion. They might afraid that since reaching the crack, Viego can even broke the whole game, and consequently reviving old errors.

Eventually, if Riot does not correctly fix this issue, the game will come to a halt, affecting both players and viewers.