New Xerath Chrono Rework patch 10.9 TFT – HYPER ATTACK SPEED XERATH

Hey guys, I am Snail and to day I will bring you guys a comp and this comp will help you a lot in patch 10.9 Let get into it 

In patch 10.9 Chrono is getting rework: If you have 2 Chrono in team allies will receive 20% in 8s, 4 Chrono is 5s and 6 Chrono is 3s  

As you guys know when Xerath using his skill he transform, summoning meteors to strike random foes in place of his normal attacks so as fast as his normal attack as fast as he summoning meteors and he will make a lot of damage. With Chrono rework Xerath able to receive a lot of attack speed before he transform and when he transform he still get more attack speed, Twisted Fate is also a soccer helping Xerath gain more damage 

Because Xerath is a Dark Star champion so we can put Moderkaiser to have Vanguard with Wukong and take Jhin to have 3 Dark Star and Sniper, Jhin also can using really good this rework because the more attack speed he have the more damage the enemies take. 

So, what do we need to build this comp?  


This is how to arrange the comp: 


Those champion that need to be equipped are: Xerath, Jhin, Wukong. 

  1. Xerath: Xerath need a lot of attack speed and spell power so the equipment is made up from Recurve Bows and Needlessly Large Rod are the best for Xerath. Guinsoo’s Rageblade is the best choice for Xearth. Rabadon’s Death Cap,  Jeweled Gauntlet is good for Xerath to deal more damage to enemies. However Xerath can not deal any damage if he can not survie so Guardian Angel and Quicksilver are best two defend item really useful. 
  2. Jhin: Jhin is like Xearth the more attack speed the more damage he deal so Guinsoo’s Rageblade is a good choice for him but he need a lot of Crit damage too so Infinity Edge is the best items for him if you have an Infinity Edge the item you need to go with it is Last Whisper because this item help you when you hit critical to enemies you will reduce targer ‘s amor by 90% for 3s, Runnan ‘s Huricane is good for Jhin because it allow him to have more attack speed and strike more target, Giant Slayer help Jhin a lots when facing tanker. Guardian Angel and Quicksilver are best two defend item really useful for Jhin.   
  3. Wukong: Because he at the front line so Wukong is a tanky champion and can knock up enemies so he really need resist damage item. Dragon’s Claw, Bramble Vest, Ionic Spark, Guardian Angel are those item Wukong can use. 

Hope this comp can help you get higher ranking in TFT and enjoy the game.