Nexus Blitz To Return In 2020 And Here’s What Changes To Expect

Riot Games is planning to put Nexus Blitz back into the selection, and the game mode is under massive changes on PBE.

Nexus Blitz was under experimentation from July 31st to September 11th, 2018, and received mostly positive feedback. Despite earning the affection from the majority of fanbase, it took the game mode 2 years for its comeback on the PBE, now coated with Ionian features like red leaves trees and Ionian decorations.

Nexus Blitz, now with Ionian themed background, is making its return on PBE

Nexus Blitz, just like its namesake, is a fast game mode lasting from 15 to 18 minutes on average, where players can choose to go on lane or in the jungle, depending on their preferences. The map consists of a single lane, divided into two in the middle, and on the top side of the map is the jungle where two junglers will both cooperating with each other for camp clearing. There will be special events occurring in the game like Push the Cart, Battle Royale and King of the Hill.

The high number of features in this game modes is the reason why there are overpowered and underpowered champions, depending on the extent to which they “abuse” the mechanics present in their kits to win the game with less effort than others.

Official artwork of the new map

For the resurgence to of the game mode, it is expected that a myriad of changes will be made to the game. First of all, overpowered or underpowered champions seen in the 2018 iteration will probably be subjected under adjustment for the sake of the balancing.

Much like URF, champion-specific nerfs and buffs will be introduced as a countermeasure to prevent champions from either being overpicked or underwhelming in this temporary mode. Champions with infinite scaling passives/ abilities and Dark Harvest will most likely to be nerfed due to how often deaths occur in this game mode. Characters with overly effective AOE abilities or reset mechanics, such as Miss Fortune, Master Yi, Katarina and Fiddlesticks, are speculated to be good candidates for a little tuning down as well.

Additionally, besides the massive upcoming game modes, the game design of the modes will also receive plenty of alterations and bugfixes, which can be seen below:

Tentative changes on PBE (Source: )

It should be noted that, all changes on PBE are tentative, and can be subjected to alteration at any moments. But it is certain that Riot Games is attempting their best to reintroduce Nexus Blitz as a balanced and fun alternative mode to the regular Summoner’s Rift, because no one wants to see a Katarina getting pentakill every game.

What champions should be nerfed or buffed in your opinion? Please voice your thought in the comment section.

Read more:
A Complete List of Events and Rewards in Upcoming Nexus Blitz Mode