Ninja expressed his opinion about League of Legends on his stream

League of Legends player Tyler “Ninja” Blevins of Twitch fame described how exhilarating and depressing the game’s highs and lows are, and many other broadcasters agreed.

League of Legends can be quite emotional, as anyone who has ever had to wait in line for even one game can tell.

While playing LoL can have some extremely high highs, it can also have some of the most brutal and devastating lows of any competitive video game.

Now that the popular MOBA comes on mood swings, celebrity streamer Ninja has spoken out about his troubles with them.

Ninja details “love” and “hate” for playing LoL

The 31-year-old streamer expressed his thoughts on League of Legends, one of his favorite games to play and broadcast, on August 10.

He began by praising the game and declaring, “I love League of Legends so much. The feeling when you win a game and carry or clutch a fight is unmatched for me compared to other games.”

He said, “But when I tilt and rage from a sh*t team or game I become a whole different person, I can’t take it anymore,” before mentioning how incredibly difficult it can be to play the game. GGS will follow FF15.

Numerous League streamers expressed a similar sentiment in the answers. Lourlo, a former player in the professional league, remarked, “Games are fantastic, but they really play with every emotion.”

“How I feel every single day for the past 12 years of playing League,” the Twitch streamer Bobqin retorted

Obviously, Ninja’s complaints about League are shared by the community, and he may feel better knowing that all of his fellow streamers are having the same issues.